·         Praise God for us having such a good Mid Year Conference. Praise God for us learning about God’s sovereignty and learning more about his love for us. Praise God for us learning how to dissect and interpret the bible, helping us to get regular prayer habits and experiencing great fellowship

·         Praise God for the great friendships formed over Mid Year Conference and pray that these friendships will be blessed, bear much fruit and be glorifying to God

·         Praise God for the zealousness that we have had this semester to build God’s kingdom at UTAS. Please pray that we will continue in this zealousness for the rest of semester and that it may bear much fruit

·         Please pray that now our God vs Evil mission event is upon us that it is truly glorifying to God. May it play a part in many conversions to Christianity, may it help us to understand this complex issue and may it really serve the purpose of reaching out into the community to show how glorious God is and that people will fall in love with him.